Originally shared by CyanogenImpact of the Themes ShowcaseWhen we began work on the new Cyanogen Theme Engine 7 months ago we were keenly aware that getting themers switched to the new engine, and consequently getting those new themes into the hands of users, would be an important challenge going forward. We started exploring the various options that already existed for themers and users and quickly discovered that, despite there being literally thousands of themes on the Play Store, there was no centralized location to find, preview, and then download them.
Thus was born the Cyanogen Theme Showcase (
http://goo.gl/VbB8er), which was released through the Play Store on Jun 17th. If you haven't used it yet, the Cyanogen Theme Showcase is a simple, free app that lets users browse through the collection of Cyanogen Theme Engine compatible themes that authors have submitted. We recently accepted our 50th theme, and week for week have had more new submissions than the previous.
Best of all though is the positive impact the Showcase has had for themers themselves. It's actually been a bit dramatic. One themer provided us with this image from their Play Store account for a paid theme.
The Cyanogen Theme Engine itself, which has seen some key updates since its release, provides a large increase in functionality over the old T-Mobile Engine, including support for icon masking and improved legacy theme support (e.g. launcher icon packs). We also added a full theme template (
http://goo.gl/gvz6h9) to github so new themers can get started quickly.
It's been a fantastic 4 weeks for themes, and the "Theme Team" here couldn't be happier. We've already started work on more awesome features for the next iteration of the Theme Engine.
If you have a theme of your own that you'd like added to the showcase just head over to this wiki page (
http://goo.gl/aPGyAx) to learn what you need to do. Or, if you have a favorite theme that you think should be on the showcase, let us know!

Impact of the Themes Showcase
When we began work on the new Cyanogen Theme Engine 7 months ago we were keenly aware that getting themers switched to the new engine, and consequently getting those new themes into the hands of users, would be an important challenge going forward. We started exploring the various options that already existed for themers and users and quickly discovered that, despite there being literally thousands of themes on the Play Store, there was no centralized location to find, preview, and then download them.
Thus was born the Cyanogen Theme Showcase (http://goo.gl/VbB8er), which was released through the Play Store on Jun 17th. If you haven't used it yet, the Cyanogen Theme Showcase is a simple, free app that lets users browse through the collection of Cyanogen Theme Engine compatible themes that authors have submitted. We recently accepted our 50th theme, and week for week have had more new submissions than the previous.
Best of all though is the positive impact the Showcase has had for themers themselves. It's actually been a bit dramatic. One themer provided us with this image from their Play Store account for a paid theme.
The Cyanogen Theme Engine itself, which has seen some key updates since its release, provides a large increase in functionality over the old T-Mobile Engine, including support for icon masking and improved legacy theme support (e.g. launcher icon packs). We also added a full theme template (http://goo.gl/gvz6h9) to github so new themers can get started quickly.
It's been a fantastic 4 weeks for themes, and the "Theme Team" here couldn't be happier. We've already started work on more awesome features for the next iteration of the Theme Engine.
If you have a theme of your own that you'd like added to the showcase just head over to this wiki page (http://goo.gl/aPGyAx) to learn what you need to do. Or, if you have a favorite theme that you think should be on the showcase, let us know!